Punk Music

It was originally garage rock and it developed between 1974-1976 in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. It was created by bands that didn’t accept the mainstream types of 1970’s rock. A lot of times the bands use short songs loaded with power cords with lyrics that often have themes of anti-establishment. Some of the bands that were big in starting this genre were the Ramones, Sex-Pistols, the Clash, Television, and the Damned.  This lead to different versions of punk. Street punk and alternative rock were the mainstream in England. This gave a whole culture that was how people dressed and saw the world. In America, pop-punk is the sub-genre that really blew up with bands like Green-Day, the Offspring, and Blink (now Blink 182). The popularity of punk music tends to ebb and flow with how the economy and political state of a nation. It is more popular when people are angry and upset and want a way to show that.

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