Stealing Music

Funk is a groove that makes people want to dance. It focuses on rhythm and groove. It changes where on the beat the note would be played. “Soul Train” was a show that was created that influenced production of music. There are only 1 or 2 chords in the main parts of the song to gives people the opportunity to express what the song is doing through dance and not through excessive musical complexion. It gives a simple start and the opportunity to add their individualism. It gives extra opportunity to hear things and make something out of it and then out of that but it also gives people the opportunity to hear something and change it very little and say they are just similar but because it’s new and my take it’s different

Sampling: using a piece of audio and replaying it somewhere else. Giving people the opportunity to use one person’s creativity and ideas and combine them with your own making something new. In theory this is a good idea, it’s a good way for people to see what else can be done, and push the envelope, but some people because of the way people are will just copy and use other peoples music without a lot of their own work and that is less sampling and more copying.

Sampling can be looked at as a problem or a solution but in reality it is just a tool. People will always find inspiration from other’s work and want to put their own twist on it to make it their own and sampling is a good way to do that; but you will also have the people who will just want to make money and sampling someone else’s work makes less work and more opportunity to release more music and work faster, which is wrong.


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