
Changed the entire concept of space and time, especially when you could record radio.

Listening to something that isn’t live and you are not watching was bizarre. It gave people more opportunity to find inspiration from music. More people are able to hear a song and they can hear it multiple times in a shorter time frame. This was a weird concept and the fact that the radio was fairly accessible to the common public. Then the idea of being able to own a record player, buy a record produced by any artist who recorded one and listen to it at home as many times as you wanted was even weirder. People could have careers not only performing music but producing records and being in the background and the science side of music production. Having music so accessible to everyone was a great discovery. Thanks to the discovery of radio and recording music lead to even more advancement I can listen to a playlist from my laptop as I type this post and it can have various different artists, genres, and even languages.

The discovery of recording messages to a record using microphones and different locations and selling that across the world lead to even more debate about who should get paid what and who owns what. The artist performed, the person recording produced the music, the company shared the produced music with everyone. Who deserve credit when it makes money? It should be distributed evenly between writers, performers, producers. The companies that help support the artist and are supposed to ensure that everyone involved is getting the credit they deserve. The spreading interest in the production and spread of music lead to more jobs and opportunity.

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